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wine country ranch cooking

Tag: mayonnaise

Aunt Joan’s bread

Aunt Joan’s bread

There are many of my recipes that just the scent of them in the kitchen brings loads of past memories and fun times into my head. In the summer my family used to rent a houseboat and tour around the many lakes and rivers California […]

Crab stuffed Porties

Crab stuffed Porties

I developed this recipe for one of my dearest friends … she was new to cooking, things with bones freak her out, it had to be quick and she loves seafood and mushrooms. She wanted something fancy to make for a fella; I told her […]

Sweet Potato Salad

Sweet Potato Salad

A sweet potato by any other name is just … a yam. Well … not exactly. In northern America sweet potatoes are referred to as both, so if you are standing at the produce section the sign advertising sales on yams … chances are if […]
